Select Publications
SPACE LAW: A TEXTBOOK (Routledge, forthcoming 2021)
The Lunar Legal Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities, Air & Space Law 46:29-56 (2021) (with Tanja Masson-Zwaan)
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Moon: Is Existing Law Sufficient to Enable Resource Extraction on the Moon?, Georgia J. of Int’l & Comp. Law (2020) (with Jeffrey Murphy)
An International Registry and Registrar for Priority Rights to Extract Resources on Celestial Bodies, 2019 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law (2020).
Business, Legal and Policy Issues in Relation to Increased Private Space Activity, in OXFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PLANETARY SCIENCE (2018).
The Legal Status of Spacecraft, in THE ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK ON SPACE LAW (Jakhu & Dempsey eds. 2017)
The Hague Working Group on Space Resources: Creating the Legal Building Blocks for a New Industry, The ABA Air & Space Lawyer (2017) (with Chelsey Davis)
Regulating Non-Traditional Space Activity in the Wake of the Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act, Air & Space Law 42:1 (2017)
Standards, Standards Everywhere! Assessing Current Initiatives for Human Spaceflight Standards and Their Potential Effect on Future Regulations, in 2015 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law
Financing Space Ventures, in HANDBOOK OF SPACE LAW (von der Dunk ed. 2015)
The Cape Town Convention: Its Application to Space Assets and Relation to the Law of Outer Space (Brill/Martinus Nijhoff 2013)
The Space Assets Protocol One Year Later: An Update and Reassessment, The Air & Space Lawyer (June 2013)
How the Rescue and Return Agreement Can Protect (and Harm) the Interests of a Creditor under the Cape Town Convention, in 2013 Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law
NEW PERSPECTIVES ON SPACE LAW (co-editor with V. Gopalakrishnan, 2011)
Space Tourism and Export Controls: A Prayer for Relief, Journal of Air Law & Commerce 75:581 (2010)
The Duty to Rescue Space Tourists and Return Private Spacecraft, 35 Journal of Space Law 163 (2009)
The “Cape Town Approach”: A New Method of Making International Law, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 44:399 (2006)